posted Sep 6, 2024, 2:20 PM
- Tuesday, September 3rd: 3:30-5pm (Office)
Friday, September 6th: 8:30-10:30am- NEW: Sunday, September 8th 6:00-8:00pm (Office)
- Wednesday, September 11th: 3:30-5pm (Office)
- Thursday, September 12th: 4-7pm (Lobby)
- Sunday, September 15th: 1-5pm (Lobby)
- Tuesday, September 17th: 5-7pm (Lobby)
posted Sep 6, 2024, 2:19 PM
Adult Canskate
Fall 2024
The East York Skating Club is very excited to welcome you to the rink on Sunday, September 8th!
Arena Entry:
Please make sure to arrive early to allow for time to find parking as our lot fills up quickly. You should also allow at least 15 minutes to put on your skates and helmets. Once you enter the building, a volunteer will be available to assist with name tags. Skaters will receive a sticker nametag to place on their helmets, and a coloured dot will be used to indicate their group.
You can proceed downstairs and choose a changeroom to put on your skates. We have multiple available changerooms downstairs, so you can space out. If you have any purses or bags, you may bring them out to the stands/players' bench.
Adult Canskate:
Adult skaters will be grouped based on their skills: beginner and advanced. They will learn the same skills as our regular CanSkate program and will achieve the same ribbons and badges! If more register throughout the year, we will add a third instructor.
Badge System:
All skaters will earn ribbons and badges upon passing specific skills. To obtain a badge, they must earn a ribbon in agility, balance, and control. For instance, Agility 1 + Balance 1 + Control 1 = Stage 1.
Some skaters are very strong in one discipline and may have multiple ribbons in one; for example Agility 1 + Balance 1 & 2 and no Control. They cannot receive their badge until the Control is completed.
If you have any questions regarding equipment, please refer to this video created by Skate Canada.
- All skaters Youth & Adults must wear a CSA Approved Helmet until passing level 5.
- Please make sure to have your skates sharpened before the first session. Dull blades will not grip the ice.
- We also required gloves/mitts as hand protection.
- The arena can get very cold in the winter, layers are great!
Personal Calendar:
In your profile, you can click the "Calendar Tab" to see the sessions you are registered for, along with general activities throughout the season.
You can view the sessions you are registered for (example below).
Next Steps:
If you have completed level 6 and are interested in pursuing figure skating, the next step is to register for Adult Stars +
For any additional questions please reach out to Admin, Amber, at or to our Canskate Coordinator, Chanon at
posted Sep 6, 2024, 12:42 PM
posted Sep 4, 2024, 12:02 PM
We are very excited to welcome everyone back to East York this fall!
Off-Ice will be with our wonderful instructor Laura.
Silver/Gold Sessions will always run in the Lobby/Outside (as there is an afterschool program at Stan Wadlow).
Bronze/Silver will be located at Stan Wadlow starting the week of September 16th. Until then, in the lobby/outside
To Bring Strength & Conditioning Off-Ice (Wednesdays)
- Yoga mat
- Water
- Proper Running Shoes
- Skipping Rope
- Please have your hair tied back for every class!
- Yoga Mat
- Water
- Thin Socks
- Please have your hair tied back for every class!
posted Sep 3, 2024, 2:03 PM
We are very excited to welcome everyone back to the rink, starting tonight!
Here are a few helpful reminders regarding the Calendar and Key Dates.
Personal Calendar:
In your profile, you can click the "Calendar Tab" to see the sessions you are registered for, along with general activities throughout the season.
You can view the sessions you are registered for (example below).
If you click on the event, it will show the location (East York Memorial Arena, Don Montgomery, Lobby or Stan Wadlow)
posted Sep 3, 2024, 12:47 PM
We are looking for Program Assistants!
The club would like to extend an invitation to our bronze, silver and gold skaters to join our coaching team as Program Assistants (PA’s) for the upcoming skating season!
PAs help our coaches in the delivery of the Pre-Canskate, CanSkate and Fundamentals programs and contribute to the overall success of the EYSC’s CanSkate program.
If you are highly motivated, willing to assist younger skaters and work with our Professional Coaching Staff we want you! Your participation is crucial to the success of these programs. Skaters will select the sessions they are available for and are asked to commit to them weekly for the season.
Duties of a Program Assistant
Demonstrate & reinforce skills (follow up on coach instruction)
Assist coaches with warm-up, group activity and cool-down
Assist with set-up & clean-up (pylons, group colours on the wall, toys)
Hand out flyers, stickers
Lead skaters from station to station
Encourage skaters
Benefits of being a Program Assistant
PA jacket for the season
Pizza & Completion Certificate at the end of the training session
Experience be used on your resume or as a reference for jobs in the future
Use this towards high school hours OR Earn a $5 credit for every hour worked as a program assistant that can be used towards registration, test days etc.
The club is looking for members who are:
fun and energetic
passionate about skating
helpful to others
patient with children
reliable, punctual and responsible
committed to seeing tasks and initiatives through to the end
Candidates Must Be:
a minimum of 10 years of age as of September 2024
able to attend the program assistant training seminar on Tuesday, September 10th from 5-7pm
Even if skaters have participated in the training session before, we highly recommend attending each year. As there may be changes to our program. Skaters will try on their jackets & recieve 2 hours/credits.
5:00pm Meet in the Lobby for Presentation and sign Contracts, try jackets
6:00pm On-Ice (Please bring your skates)
7:00pm Leave Ice for Pizza & Certificate
We will also take photos of the skaters to post on bulletin boards, social media, and our website.
We need help with the following sessions:
- Pre-Can/Canskate 1:40-2:30pm
- Canskate/Fundamentals 2:30-3:20pm
- Pre-Can 3:30-4pm
- Canskate 4:00-4:50pm
- Pre-Can/Canskate 5:20-6:10pm
- Canskate/Fundamentals 6:10-7pm
- Pre-Can 5:20-5:50pm
- Pre-Can 5:50-6:20pm
- Canskate/Fundamentals 6:30-7:20pm
Sign up today by emailing
Please include:
Which sessions skaters can PA on
If they are attending the PA Training on Tuesday, September 10th from 5:00-7:00 pm
If you would prefer to earn high school volunteer hours or credits for skating on Uplifter.
posted Sep 3, 2024, 12:46 PM
- Tuesday, September 3rd: 3:30-5pm (Office)
- Friday, September 6th: 8:30-10:30am (Office)
- Wednesday, September 11th: 3:30-5pm (Office)
- Thursday, September 12th: 4-7pm (Lobby)
- Sunday, September 15th: 1-5pm (Lobby)
- Tuesday, September 17th: 5-7pm (Lobby)
posted Sep 3, 2024, 12:44 PM
We are very excited to welcome everyone back to East York this fall!
Pre-Bronze Off-Ice will be with our wonderful instructor Laura and will normally be held in Stan Wadlow Community Centre (behind the arena, near the pool). They have renovations until the week of September 16th.
For the first 2 weeks of off-ice, please meet Laura in the lobby. If the weather cooperates we will use the outdoor space!
To Bring to Pre-Bronze Weekly:
- Yoga mat
- Water
- Proper Running Shoes
- Skipping Rope
- Please have your hair tied back for every class!
In your profile, you can click on the "Calendar Tab"
You can view the sessions you are registered for (example below).
If you click on the event, it will show the location (lobby or Stan Wadlow)
posted Jul 26, 2024, 11:51 AM
posted Jul 2, 2024, 1:42 PM
- 4 Pack $90
- 5 Pack $100
- 6 Pack $110
- Go to the registration page
- Select "Drop-in" instead of "Full Session"
- The session will be automatically deducted from your account and with a zero-dollar balance at checkout. This is to be listed on the attendance for that session.
posted May 31, 2024, 12:12 PM
Monday, July 22nd
Monday, July 29th
- 4 pack - $90
- 5 pack - $100
- 6 pack - $110
posted May 30, 2024, 12:19 PM
Pre-Can, Canskate & Fundamentals, thank you for such a wonderful spring session!
posted May 29, 2024, 12:31 PM
posted May 15, 2024, 7:48 PM
posted May 15, 2024, 3:03 PM
posted May 7, 2024, 4:05 PM
- Thursday, May 9th @ 8:45-9:45pm
- Friday, May 10th @ 6:30-7:15pm
- Thursday, May 16th @ 5-7pm
- Friday, May 17th @ 6:30-7:15pm
posted May 2, 2024, 12:37 PM
With an amazing ice show behind us, we wanted to send the link to order the video of the show. The link can be found:
The videographer, Tony Hicks, has also sent a preview of the video. It is the opening number, which can be found here:
Thank you all for a wonderful Ice Show!
posted May 1, 2024, 1:48 PM
- 5:40-6:25pm Silver/Gold - Lobby/Outside/Changeroom
- 6:40-7:25pm Bronze/Silver - Stan Wadlow
- 5:40-6:25pm Silver/Gold - Lobby/Outside/Changeroom
- 6:45-7:30pm Bronze/Silver - Stan Wadlow
Please note: on May 15th & May 29th, all skaters will meet in the lobby for off-ice as we do not have access to Stan Wadlow. Laura will teach the class outside (if weather permits) or in the lobby.
posted Apr 28, 2024, 6:33 PM
Welcome to Spring Pre-Bronze!
In our Pre-Bronze group sessions, our skaters complete their Stage 6 Canskate and begin working on their STAR 1 free skate, skills, and dance tests. STAR 1 is the first level of figure skating after Canskate. This program focuses on completing Canskate STAGE 6 and STAR 1.
Upon completion of Star 1, skaters will then register for the Bronze/Silver session where they will continue to STAR 2 with a private coach and enjoy the benefit of independent practice time in addition to their lesson time.
For Spring, Pre-Bronze Groups will include 45 minutes on ice and 45 minutes of off-ice afterwards in Stan Wadlow Clubhouse. Stan Wadlow is the Community Centre behind the arena (where the pool is located). Our fabulous off-ice instructor Laura will meet skaters in the lobby for the first week.
Please note: on May 15th & May 29th, skaters will meet in the lobby for off-ice as we do not have access to Stan Wadlow. Laura will teach the class outside (if weather permits) or in the lobby.
To Bring to Pre-Bronze Off-Ice Weekly:
Yoga mat
Proper Running Shoes
Skipping Rope
Please have your hair tied back for every class!
For any additional questions please reach out to Administrator, Amber, at or to our Starskate Coordinator, Shawn at
posted Apr 28, 2024, 6:22 PM
Spring 2024
The East York Skating Club is very excited to welcome you to the rink!
All classes must be paid for before your session starts!
All PreCan, CanSkate/Fundamentals, Teens & Adult CanSkate must wear a CSA-approved helmet on the ice until they pass level 5.
- Sharpened Skates (Hockey or Figure Skates)
- We do not recommend plastic skates
- CSA-Approved Hockey Helmet mandatory until skater passes level 5
- Recommend to have a cage for Pre-Can & beginner Canskaters
- Gloves/Mitts Mandatory
- Slush pants for Pre-Can/beginner Canskate as they are learning to fall/stand up
- Warm layers, but able to move!
At the end of each session, don't forget to dry your skates & protect them with a SOFT skate guard. If not, rust will build on the blade and it's very challenging to skate.
As a reminder - a guardian needs to be at the rink in case anything happens and we need to get to you quickly.
Arena Entry:
Please arrive with enough time to find parking (our lot tends to fill quickly) with at least 15 minutes to put on skates/helmets. When you enter the building, there will be a table to collect your name tag for your helmet. Skaters will have a coloured sticker (dot) that will indicate which group they are in. We will add a dot sticker on the ice if you are missing one.
Skaters & Parents will head down the stairs (or elevator) and pick a changeroom to get their skates on. We have many change rooms downstairs so that you can spread yourselves out. Families are also welcome to get ready in the stands if they would like more space.
Session Flow:
For the first session, our On-Ice Coordinator will group the skaters based on their CanSkate Levels. If they are new, they will automatically be placed in level 1. For skaters coming from a different club, please email us any of their achievements so we can update their files/groups accordingly. Over the first few weeks, based on their assessments and recommendations from the coaches, skaters may switch groups to find the best placement!
Pre-Can will stay with their coach for the entire season, for 30 minutes.
Canskate & Fundamental Skaters will have a 5-minute group warm-up, 30 minutes of classes, followed by a 15 minutes group activity & cool down. Classes will cover 3 skating disciples: Balance (forwards, edges, crossovers) Agility (turns, spins, jumps) and Control (stopping, backwards & speed). After a few weeks (once skaters are comfortable moving and the groups are set) skaters will rotate stations to see 3 coaches, each coach focusing on a particular discipline. Switching stations ensures all skaters who visit that coach will have the same quality instruction on the topic of the day. This allows for optimal progressions and opportunities to meet different coaches benefiting from their unique coaching styles!
Teen & Adult Canskate: Depending on the number of skaters registered, Adult Skaters will be grouped based on the ice based on their skills: Beginner and advanced. Skaters will learn the same skills as our regular Canskate program and achieve the same ribbons and badges!
All skaters will receive an end-of-year report with any ribbons and badges they may have achieved throughout the session. They must receive a ribbon in agility, balance and control to gain a badge. For Example Agility 1 + Balance 1 + Control 1 = Stage 1
Some skaters are very strong in one discipline and may have multiple ribbons in one; for example Agility 1 + Balance 1 & 2 and no Control. They cannot receive their badge until the Control is completed. Canskate is for skaters working on Badges 1-2, Fundamentals is 3-6. Pre-Can’s are eligible to receive a Pre-Can ribbon & if they pass part way through the season, the coach will start working on Stage 1 (which they are eligible to earn in the Pre-Can class). Teens & Adults will be evaluated under the same Badge System.
Skaters close to completing Stage 5 and are interested in Figure Skating are encouraged to check out our Pre-Bronze Groups:
For any additional questions please reach out to Administrator, Amber, at or to our Canskate Coordinator, Chanon at